- The Daily Knight
Cdl. Cupich pushes climate agenda, fails to mention Jesus at Parliament of the World’s Religions
The Daily Knight
Neglecting to mention the name of Jesus Christ even once, Cardinal Blase Cupich took his time on stage at the scandalous gathering to promote radical environmentalism and what appeared to be religious indifferentism.
Liberal Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich urged attendees at this year’s Parliament of the World’s Religions to be more mindful of forming their consciences, but not in accordance with the truths of the Catholic faith.
“To be properly formed, a conscience needs to be sensitized, to be aware of others and of all creation,” Cupich argued. It can do this by “cultivating awareness and respect for others.”
Cupich has been one of the most outspoken clerics in the U.S. when it comes to pushing climate ideology. On multiple occasions he has equated social justice issues like gun control and environmentalism with moral evils like abortion.
While neglecting to mention the name of Jesus Christ even once, Cupich claimed in his remarks that a “sensitized conscience” will “heed what Pope Francis wrote in Laudato Si, [namely] that Mother Earth ‘now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.’”
Cupich proceeded to tell his audience that he supports the Parliament’s Fifth Directive of its so-called Global Ethic, which is titled “Commitment to a Culture of Sustainability and Care for the Earth.”
“[This directive] articulates well the role that our religions and traditions have in hearing and responding with utmost urgency to caring for our common home,” he said.
More than 6,500 representatives of various forms of pagan and non-Catholic sects appeared at the scandalous ecumenical gathering, which was held at McCormack Place conference center in Chicago, Illinois, earlier this week. The event was coordinated by Wiccan priestess Phyllis Curott.
The Parliament’s first meeting was held in 1893, also in Chicago. Cardinal John Gibbons of Baltimore controversially attended that gathering along with several other liberal U.S. clergy who later came to be associated with what then-Pope Leo XIII called “the heresy of Americanism.”
In 1895, two years after conservatives voiced their opposition to the meeting, Leo condemned the conference and forbade Catholics from attending future ones out of fear it would give the impression the Church viewed other religions to be true or good in themselves.
Cupich told his audience this week that he was “grateful to participate in advancing the mission of this respected organization to cultivate harmony among the world’s religions and spiritual communities.”
He also remarked that he sees “the spark of the Divine Will alive here today. This spark informs us and engages my conscience and urges me to redouble my commitment to defend and support the freedom of all.”
On Tuesday, a “climate repentance ceremony” was held at the gathering. A speaker from the left-wing Anti-Defamation League also addressed attendees. She called for a greater need to police free speech online. Various non-Catholic speeches and rituals were performed at the event as well.
These are the people @CardinalBCupich wants Catholics to listen to at the Parliament of the World’s Religions: – LGBT-supporting UN Secretary Antonio Guterres – Pro-abortion Senator Raphael Warnock – Population control activist Jane Goodall – Baha’i practitioner Rainn Wilson https://t.co/bwVsvVHGZZ — Stephen Kokx (@StephenKokx) August 19, 2023
🎶 💙Love… Love… Love…💙🎶 ☮️ 🕊️Peace. Peace. Peace.🕊️ ☮️ Embodying the spirit of unity, participants at #2023PoWR dance and sing in celebration of a world where love and peace prevail. pic.twitter.com/68UNKFjElg — KAICIID (@KAICIID) August 18, 2023
Our Principal Representative @BaniDugal is live at the @InterfaithWorld #2023PoWR Parliament of World Religions in Chicago today and just delivered the opening plenary. 🙏 https://t.co/GpjEA6Hz9x — Baha’i International Community (@BahaiBIC) August 14, 2023
Cupich also used his speech to address what he called the “unfortunate” aspects of the “technological advances” mankind has experienced in recent years.
“It is very easy to seek out and talk with those who we find most agreeable [online],” he said. “Rarely or never listening to those who oppose our views can harden our positions.”
“Through algorithms meant to keep us in touch with like-minded individuals and causes, technology has made dialogue across differences even less likely. We’re also finding that those outside of our growing silos become easier to vilify and dehumanize as ‘the others.’”
Perhaps forgetful of the repeated name-calling Pope Francis has used against so-called “rigid” traditionalists, Cupich called on attendees of this year’s Parliament to “never … fall into the temptation to demonize and de-humanize those who disagree with us.”
“Religious and cultural differences do not separate us here today,” he insisted. “In fact, they pull us together in an effort to conscientiously address the challenges we face in ensuring freedom, rights and dignity for all.”
“You testify loudly in coming together to a growing consciousness in our world that we are all interconnected. If we hope to advance the causes of peace and justice in the world, we must continue to seek out forums like this to connect with one another in recognition of our differences and diversity, and turn our awareness and concern into action,” he concluded.
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.
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