Trump: "May you grow closer to God in your faith during this blessed season."

President Donald Trump & Melania Trump (Catholic Herald)
Our wonderful President of the USA, Donald Trump and his wife Melania, made a public announcement on Ash Wednesday, February, 26, 2020, giving a beautiful message concerning the season of Lent. They remarked how Lent is a "Sacred Tradition" which reminds of our "shared mortality, Christ's saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully." Read below the truly historic message posted on the White House website where they wished everyone a peaceful and prayerful Lent as they begin the season of fasting, praying and engaging in acts of charity:
"Melania and I wish everyone observing Ash Wednesday a peaceful and prayerful day.
For Catholics and many other Christians, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season that concludes with the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday. Today, millions of Christians will be marked on their foreheads with the sign of the cross. The imposition of ashes is an invitation to spend time during Lent fasting, praying, and engaging in acts of charity. This powerful and sacred tradition reminds us of our shared mortality, Christ’s saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully.
We join in prayer with everyone observing this holy day and wish you a prayerful Lenten journey. May you grow closer to God in your faith during this blessed season." Link here:
Thanks be to God for President Trump and Melania! This a step in the right direction and now today more than ever there is a undeniable "need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully."
Not only is this very uplifting but also refreshing after eight years of Obama proclaiming and promoting all sorts of strange and false religions, including Islam. RecallObama's 2016 Speech on Faith and Politics: "Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.....Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values."
President Trump is bringing back our Christian Godly values! In the beginning of this year, Trump said it is a “sacred principle in our republic that government must never stand between the people and God.”
During the National Day of Prayer on February 6th, Trump declared: “In America, we don’t punish prayer. We don’t tear down crosses. We don’t ban symbols of faith. We don’t muzzle preachers. We don’t muzzle pastors. In America, we celebrate faith, we cherish religion, we lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God.” However, did you catch this line where he said: "Before America declared independence, patriots in all 13 colonies came together in days of fasting and prayer." This relates right back to his message for the Lenten Season.
Trump understands the importance of prayer and fasting and knows that it is the key to our salvation where we can grow closer to God, with this "powerful and sacred tradition" reminding "us of our shared mortality, Christ’s saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully."
This is unprecedented. Never before has an American President come out and spoke so fully of the truth!
Please keep President Trump and Melania in your daily prayers and sacrifices during this Holy season of Lent.