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St. Scholastica, V - February 10th

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

St. Scholastica (My Catholic Life)

"O God, Who, to show us the way of innocence, dist cause the soul of Thy blessed Virgin Scholastica to enter heaven i the form of a dove: grant through her merits and prayers that we may live in an innocence that will win for us eternal joys. Through our Lord." - Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962

St. Scholastica, twin sister of the venerable Father, St. Benedict, had been consecrated to God in early childhood, as St. Gregory tells us in the second book of his Dialogue used to visit with Benedict once a year. On these occasions he would go down to meet her in a house belonging to the monastery a short distance from the entrance. On a certain day, a sudden downpour of rain, obtained from God by Scholastica just as darkness was setting in, made it impossible for her venerable brother to leave. And so they spent the entire night together and both of them derived great profit from the holy thoughts they exchanged about the interior life. The next morning Scholastica returned to her convent and Benedict to his monastery. Three days later he stood in his room looking up toward the sky, he beheld his sister’s soul leaving her body and entering the heavenly court in the form of a dove. Then Benedict sent some of his brethren to bury her body in the tomb he had prepared for himself. The bodies of these two were now to share a common resting place, just as in their souls had always been one in God. - 1960 Roman Breviary.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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